Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Blues: The Big Waste

When I saw the commercial last week for Food Network's premier of The Big Waste, I could not be more ecstatic that a big time TV station was running a powerful and poignant educational program on such an earth (un)friendly issue.  I have always been an advocate of more earth friendly practices: recycling, reducing electricity usage, etc.  I hate that so many Americans blindly and ignorantly perform such eco-unfriendly practices each day.  Now, I'm not saying we should all be the next Alicia Silverstone or anything, but we all could certainly learn a thing or two about how to be more eco-friendly in our daily practices.  Or insist that all cities institute recycling programs.  I knew I would not be surprised by what I watched, but, at the same time, I knew that could be a false hope.

I hate food waste.  I really do.  If I don't eat all the food on my plate, it becomes leftovers without question. With millions of people starving in the world, I am not about to be someone who wasted food that was lucky enough to have it. when so much of the world could gratefully use a fraction of glutton.  So yes, my panties do get in a bunch when I see what a "normal" portion size has become in America's food industry.  I pass by people every day that would do anything for a hot meal, anything to eat; all while corporations just keep stacking patties to see who can come up with the next colossal big burger.  And we wonder why obesity is an epidemic.

I watched the special tonight while having dinner.  I am not gonna lie: I was giddy with excitement while watching it.  Not because I wanted to see food wasted, but, rather, that top chefs were having their perspectives re-calibrated with countless other Americans watching the show.  I have to give my top props to the Freegan that was featured in the show.  I wish I had the guts to go dumpster diving like he does because I think he has a brilliant idea of utilizing the "wasted" food.  Not only is he practicing eco-friendliness, but he is saving a lot of money on food.  There really shouldn't be any shame in dumpster diving; it's unfortunate that there's a stigma attached to it.  People from all walks of life could benefit from it for multiple reasons, as evidence by this show.

And I did learn some new things.  I learned what practices I could be utilizing to help cut down on the waste.  I could be less perfectionistic when it comes to my food.  I could pick up a pick of produce that has a healthy blemish on it.  I learned that just because it might look slightly sad on the outside, doesn't mean the inside is the same, too.  I learned I could look more closely at a piece of food to see if it is "bad" sitting there on the shelf.  And to be more careful when rummaging through produce (I'm usually trying to find the smallest one for lil ole me).  Can that cliche "It's what's on the inside that counts" really apply to food as well?  *Gasp* By golly, I think we might have got it!

I really hope this special has opened people's eyes and brings about change in the world.  Everyone who has a TV should watch it.  And everyone who doesn't have a TV... well... it may be possible that those are the people that could use the good "scraps" and we should do something about that.

{{Did you watch this special?  If you have, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!  If you haven't, check out for more show times.}}

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